There’s a serious snowstorm in Hawaii, and no one seems to care

According to National Weather Service forecasts, the season’s first major snowstorm has set up shop over the islands, dropping more than 10 inches of snow on Kahului, a town on Maui, and up to 20 inches in other areas.

As of Friday afternoon, there were 50 mph wind gusts around Oahu. Nearly 14 inches of snow had fallen on Hilo, a city on the island of Hawaii. Police and school administrators were concerned about local roads, with the state Transportation Department saying that the road conditions were “treacherous” and that school buses were canceling trips to school. “The main roads are not passable for any vehicles,” the department said.

The storm also caused minor power outages across parts of the islands, including Maui, where Hawaiian Electric employees were trying to restore electricity, and Big Island, where utility workers were battling blizzard conditions.

The National Weather Service, which originally tweeted a blizzard warning for Hawaii, later deleted the warning and simply reported that it was a winter storm warning. But some folks missed the change:

Because of the blizzard warning that the National Weather Service issued for Hilo, Hawaii Island schools are closed today. Also, the City Hall will be closed and community events canceled. — Jesse Neff (@jessezeff) November 30, 2018

It’s nearly hurricane season. This blizzard is the best move since the Hawaiian Missile Alert — R. Scipio (@RScipio) November 30, 2018

Oh, the weather in Hawaii. They really are nonplussed by a small ice storm. — Chris Iott (@ChrisIott4) November 30, 2018

Whatever, it’s guaranteed to be snowing in Hawaii! — Che Vandenburg (@chuvsuevani) November 30, 2018

State Department of Education updates tweets, will be closed because of non-passable road conditions. Stay safe, Hawaiian neighbors! #CoastalBlizzardKailuaKona#Marawila — Big Island Police (@BIOPD) November 30, 2018

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