Sharp spat over candidates among scientist – podcasts

Politics Sharp spat over candidates among scientist – podcasts Omicron Prompts Swift Reconsideration of Boosters Among Scientists

Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission – a commission that tests for solutions for the country’s fiscal shortcomings. Their plan calls for a temporary carbon tax and budget surcharge on non-renewable resources. Fundamentally, though, the commission’s lack of political motivation, some say, provides an opportunity for them to question the status quo and offer alternatives.

Why this matters The commission is pushing for sustainability of energy use and infrastructure that advances a clean economy. For candidates, that should be a concern: gaining momentum in gaining the trust of the public.

What they’re saying

Canada’s environmental think tank, the KAIROS Foundation, says the C$100bn experiment in the United States is operating, based on academic models, so far as a failure.

Why this matters In Texas, it’s not just climate change denying Republicans who hold power. Scientists – even climate scientists – often do. And if they want to work in politics, Texas may be their best bet.

What they’re saying As they risk alienating more of their peers, they may be taking a different view of the science they are supposed to be speaking on.

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