Joint Force 2025: A Vision for the US Military in a New World Order

CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS – December 30, 2018 – FOX News’ chief political anchor Bret Baier hosted a panel discussion Monday with Defense Secretary General Colin L. Powell, retired Lt. Gen. Henry Shelton and former Army General, Lt. Gen. John Shalikashvili on “Joint Force 2025: A Vision for the US Military in a New World Order.” The discussion, moderated by Dr. C.A. Ferguson, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, was sponsored by the Ronald Reagan Centennial Foundation. The conversation discussed matters of strategy, new security challenges, future threats, technology and political reforms. The panel touched on challenges facing the US military in the future and gave insights on the impact of the military modernization program on the four military services.

Gen. Colin L. Powell, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense and American Ambassador to the United Nations, reiterated his views on the direction of the US military today. The panel noted with concern recent political moves in Iran, the DPRK and Russia. A historic rebuke was made against both countries when on Friday December 28, Iran conducted a ballistic missile test. The conversation and actions taken by the new US administration have been welcomed by Iran, while Russia has been anxious for President Trump to maintain the sanctions in place.

The US military’s evolving approach and programs to successfully deal with the new challenges to US national security has received good reviews from key individuals from the US military during the Reagan Centennial Foundation’s discussion with members of the US Military. Officials from each service spoke about the new joint force which focuses on relationships and joint tasks to achieve operational readiness. In the discussion, two-star Gen. J. William Thurman, Commander of US Army Training and Doctrine Command and former commander of Army Headquarters in Europe noted the new focus of the joint force to seek out military and civilian partnerships which result in long-term outcomes. Thurman also highlighted efforts by U.S. Army Enterprise Integration Command and Army Warfare Magazine to elevate the learning outcomes of war fighting scenarios around the world.

Retired Lt. Gen. Henry Shelton, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, while re-iterating his concerns of political instability in Iran and DPRK, noted that in order to counter the new challenges, the US military must promote institutional flexibility by focusing on requirements and mission-focused capabilities.

Gen. John Shalikashvili, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in charge of the military manpower, readiness and training, noted his concerns of events in world wide events and military preparedness. He was careful to assess the new policy direction of the US and the changing security climate around the world, while emphasizing the importance of providing responsibility and reciprocity to US allies.

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