How to make stocking stuffers from books and movies in Toronto

A writer from the Toronto Star turned her local library into a gift giving hot spot with her Christmas Gift Guide.

Now, book lovers have the opportunity to feed their gift list with gifts from the Toronto Public Library. Starting on April 15, the library ( ) and the Toronto Star ( ) are teaming up with gifts from the star, gift cards from Indigo, books from, and wine from the Nino Famiglia which, according to the Toronto Star, allows “complete privacy.”

If you’re looking for stocking stuffers, then the library gift guide is not for you. It might be good to have as a last-minute present, for a variety of reasons.

To help sort through the deluge of suggestions from the Toronto Star and the Toronto Public Library, we’ve rounded up our own list of book picks to maximize reading time on the Christmas gift list.

Choose these book picks for everyday usage by not limiting yourself to titles only available at the library. Sure, it is nice to have books on hand, and having library cards and some loans are great, but more than that, it’s an all-in-one gift. You can do all of your book shopping from the home computer, and you can watch movies and TV, and read books on an e-reader, tablet, or your phone.

We’ve shared our picks below, and then picked out three book picks to also add to your gift list. These are great reads that are worth keeping in your home to read over a week, or your smartphone to read on a train ride, or while in the car with the kids. Remember, pick three that will take up more reading time than what you normally have around the house.

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