Emirati foreign minister attends Arab-Islamic-US Summit

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the UAE’s foreign minister, is the highest-ranking Emirati official to visit Syria since the conflict began

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the UAE’s foreign minister, has met the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, during a trip to Damascus.

It is the highest-profile visit by an Emirati official to Syria since the start of the conflict in 2011.

Sheikh Abdullah is in Syria to attend the Arab-Islamic-US Summit.

Syria has become increasingly isolated since Donald Trump’s announcement on leaving Syria.

According to the UAE’s state news agency WAM, Sheikh Abdullah met Mr Assad on Thursday and “shared the determination of the UAE and Arab countries to stand with Syria against all conspiracies”.

The foreign minister said the Emirati delegation was waiting to be briefed by officials before following up with Syria on the findings of a classified and confidential document that he said was the basis of the UN’s peace process.

However, the Emirati official was also quoted as saying: “The UAE is leading a comprehensive strategy to create a strong, sovereign and independent Syria to liberate its occupied territories and achieve a balance of power.”

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