Canada requires millions of Narcan to combat the country’s opioid overdose crisis

Canadian news reports suggest that Public Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor said that the government, through the Canada-based health concern, National Defence and the federal Public Health Agency, had received an order for up to 1.5 million courses of the drug.The drug is urgently needed by a number of countries, including Mexico, but must be administered within three days of infection, the Winnipeg Free Press reports. Given the narco-threat of hand-to-mouth, these drugs are most needed in terms of emergency relief. When used in a treatment course, it alleviates the misery, raising the likelihood of the patient’s life returning to normal. The cost of a course is set at $600.

(Refresher: The drug has taken a backseat to the more well-known MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which sometimes affects doctors and nurses, but has become the second-most-feared bacteria in the U.S. Tasers are the most feared in this respect, according to a 2017 poll by The Atlantic, second only to robotic arms.)

Head/neck infections have made a comeback, perhaps because of the cooler, drier conditions across Canada this year. In response, this fall Canada has undertaken to install natural indoor air purifiers, to disinfect any open air sources. The province has also begun to deploy bed nets across the country, in order to protect against contagious bugs.

Head/neck infections are the fifth most common infection in Canada, Canada’s public health agency has reported, and affect an estimated 200,000 people each year.

Also from Winnipeg Free Press:

WHO has declared a state of emergency over the wave of infections in the Eastern Seaboard that has been ravaging hospitals and causing increased casualties.

@publichealth canadian highlighter at the bedside, ready to treat head #neck #tuberculosis. We have imported delivery of 80,000 doses from #mbotoxegroupswish #ootd #bathandgetaway — We Want You Group + Wakeup (@WeWantYouWakeup) October 2, 2018

Read the full story at Winnipeg Free Press.


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